Quick Start#

To install#

To install with Pip:

  1. Run the following command:

    $ pip install git+https://github.com/nasa/dorado-scheduling

To set up the CPLEX optimization engine#

  1. Set up the CPLEX optimization engine.

    1. If you are a student, researcher, or faculty member at an academic institution, sign up for the IBM Academic Initiative. Download and install the free academic version of ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio.

      After running the installer, you may need to set the CPLEX_STUDIO_DIR2211 environment variable so that the CPLEX Python interface can locate your licensed copy of CPLEX.

    2. For all other users, including US Government (e.g. NASA) employees, we recommend the Developer Subscription.

      Developer Subscription users do not need to run the IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio installer because the necessary components are built into the CPLEX Python interface. Simply set the CPLEX_STUDIO_KEY environment variable to the API key that you received from IBM and set the CPLEX_STUDIO_KEY_SERVER environment variable to “https://scx-cos.docloud.ibm.com/cos/query/v1/apikeys”.

    For other CPLEX installation scenarios, see the docplex instructions.

To generate an observing plan#

  1. Generate an observing plan for the included example sky map:

    $ dorado-scheduling examples/6.fits -o examples/6.ecsv

    This will take 3 minutes and will use about 10 GB of memory at peak.

  2. Print out the observing plan:

    >>> from astropy.table import QTable
    >>> QTable.read('examples/6.ecsv').pprint_all()
              time          exptime                location [x, y, z]                                center                roll
                              min                          km                                       deg,deg                deg
    ----------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------- ----
    2012-05-02T18:58:32.699    10.0   (-1751.61720795, -4316.9006114, 5223.01273074)  115.31249999999999,18.20995686428301 20.0
    2012-05-02T19:08:32.699    10.0   (-1056.86667474, -215.39372826, 6912.05380923)          133.59375,12.024699180565822 80.0
    2012-05-02T19:18:32.699    10.0     (420.69277073, 3877.50886702, 5810.06575086)           136.40625,9.594068226860461 80.0
    2012-05-02T19:29:32.699    10.0    (2146.29573094, 6380.15368039, 1934.15114981)            146.25,-10.806922874860343 20.0
    2012-05-02T19:39:32.699    10.0   (2913.92199975, 5876.63175566, -2468.18436464) 106.07142857142857,-69.42254649458224 70.0
    2012-05-02T19:49:32.699    10.0   (2364.83525998, 3005.63606016, -5875.11435496)             56.25,-60.434438844952275 60.0
    2012-05-02T19:59:32.699    10.0      (571.0966946, -964.5042611, -6920.30179938)  88.04347826086958,-55.87335043525199  0.0
    2012-05-02T20:09:32.699    10.0  (-1773.1726479, -4368.62185094, -5187.57132554) 104.46428571428571,-48.14120779436026 80.0
    2012-05-02T20:19:32.699    10.0 (-3621.22618355, -5841.33307174, -1367.74260154)             69.75,-60.434438844952275  0.0
  3. To generate an animated visualization for this observing plan, run the following command:

    $ dorado-scheduling-animate examples/6.fits examples/6.ecsv examples/6.gif

    This will take about 2-5 minutes to run.

Determining if a given sky position is contained within an observing plan#

The following example illustrates how to use HEALPix to determine if a given sky position is contained in any of the fields in an observing plan:

>>> from astropy.coordinates import ICRS, SkyCoord
>>> from astropy.table import QTable
>>> from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from dorado.scheduling import mission
>>> healpix = HEALPix(nside=32, frame=ICRS())
>>> target = SkyCoord(66.91436579*u.deg, -61.98378895*u.deg)
>>> target_pixel = healpix.skycoord_to_healpix(target)
>>> schedule = QTable.read('examples/6.ecsv')
>>> fov = mission.dorado().fov
>>> footprints = [fov.footprint_healpix(healpix, row['center'], row['roll'])
...               for row in schedule]
>>> schedule['found'] = [target_pixel in footprint for footprint in footprints]
>>> schedule
<QTable length=9>
          time          exptime ...   roll  found
                          min   ...   deg
          Time          float64 ... float64  bool
----------------------- ------- ... ------- -----
2012-05-02T18:58:32.699    10.0 ...    20.0 False
2012-05-02T19:08:32.699    10.0 ...    80.0 False
2012-05-02T19:18:32.699    10.0 ...    80.0 False
2012-05-02T19:29:32.699    10.0 ...    20.0 False
2012-05-02T19:39:32.699    10.0 ...    70.0 False
2012-05-02T19:49:32.699    10.0 ...    60.0 False
2012-05-02T19:59:32.699    10.0 ...     0.0 False
2012-05-02T20:09:32.699    10.0 ...    80.0 False
2012-05-02T20:19:32.699    10.0 ...     0.0  True